Welcome to science class. We will be doing a variety of things in science class this year.

We will be doing a lot of physical science, and a little bit of earth, and life science along with other fun activities. We will be using our science books along with doing some things outside of the book including doing some experiments/labs.

This year we will be doing some Personalized Learning (PL). PL is an instructional technique that allows the students to decide there own learning path. We will be doing some PL on Team 6A along with more traditional teaching strategies as we go through the year.

Vocabulary is a big part of 6th grade science.  The students will receive a Master Vocab list with 141 words on it. We will have weekly quizzes on the vocabulary throughout most of the year. The quizzes will typically be on Fridays.

PLEASE come come PREPARED for class ready to LEARN!

We will be taking notes periodically as we go through each chapter/unit and there will be daily assignments on material that has been covered throughout The lesson(s).

There also will be random  quizzes centered on reviewing the previous day's lesson. The quizzes are designed to help the students comprehend and retain the information easier.

**We will begin chapter 3 (Energy) during the week of 11/12.  We will be learning about types of motion and force. During chapter 3 will will be doing labs to explain force. We will also continue to do some Personalized Learning lessons as well as more direct instruction lessons which will allow for more structure in the classroom. There will be note taking and some short assignments as well as random quizzes as we go through each lesson of the chapter.